The Loyal Barb loyalty program is designed to reward our valued customers for their continued patronage. As a member, you'll enjoy exclusive benifits such as discounts on services, priority booking, special promotions, and personalized offers tailored to your preferences. Join today to start earning rewards and elevate your experience with us.
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Get 100 Barb Bucks
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Get 1 Barb Bucks for every $1 spent
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Get 1 Barb Bucks for every $1 spent
Redeem Rewards
30% off all store products
3,000 Barb Bucks = 30% off for all store products
Free Frontal Sewin
5,000 Barb Bucks = $250 off a specific service
Free Wig Install
5,000 Barb Bucks = $230 off a specific service
Speedy Shipping
850 Barb Bucks = Free Shipping when ordering for $650 or more for all items
Service Discount
600 Barb Bucks = $30 off the lowest priced item in cart
Redeem For $$$ Off
10 Barb Bucks = $1 discount